- 构建需要拼合的图像文件路径列表。
- 计算拼合后图像的尺寸,并调用PIL.Image.new()函数构建拼合后的目标图像对象。
- 初始化定位指针等辅助变量。
- 遍历待拼合的图像文件路径列表,并:
- 调用PIL.Image.open()函数,打开源图像。
- 使用PIL.Image.crop()、PIL.Image.resize()等函数,对源图像进行预处理。
- 在目标图像对象上调用PIL.Image.paste()方法,将源图像粘贴到目标图像上。该方法的im参数为源图像对象,box参数为一个四元组或二元组,描述了源图像粘贴到目标图像时左上角相对于目标图像左上角的坐标位置。
- 在源图像上调用PIL.Image.close()方法,关闭源图像并释放资源。
- 更新定位指针等辅助变量。
- 在完成拼合的目标图像上调用PIL.Image.save()方法,将拼合后的图像保存到文件中。
- 关闭目标图像以释放资源,或传递目标图像给上层调用者。
import PIL # Concatenating images into one large image def ConcatenateImages(arrImagePaths : array, nRowCount : int = 1, nColCount : int = 1, UseVerticalArrangement : bool = False, sOriginPoint : str = "TopLeft", SaveConcatenatedImage : bool = False, sSaveDirectory : str = "./", sFileNamePrefix : str = "", CloseConcatenatedImagesWhenReturning : bool = False) -> array : # Calculate count of concatenated images nImagesPerFrame = nRowCount * nColCount nConcatenatedImage = math.ceil(len(arrImagePaths) / nImagesPerFrame) # Create result buffer arrConcatenatedImages = [] # Creating concatenated images for ImgID in range(0, nConcatenatedImage) : # Create image buffer imgCurrentImage = PIL.Image.new("RGBA", (100,100)) if sOriginPoint.upper() == "TOPRIGHT" : iCurrentRowPointer = 0 iCurrentColPointer = nColCount - 1 elif sOriginPoint.upper() == "BOTTOMLEFT" : iCurrentRowPointer = nRowCount - 1 iCurrentColPointer = 0 elif sOriginPoint.upper() == "BOTTOMRIGHT" : iCurrentRowPointer = nRowCount - 1 iCurrentColPointer = nColCount - 1 else : iCurrentRowPointer = 0 iCurrentColPointer = 0 #End If # Size information tplSourceSize = (0,0) tplTargetSize = (0,0) sSourceMode = "Unknown" # Concatenating images for ChildImgID in range(ImgID * nImagesPerFrame, (ImgID + 1) * nImagesPerFrame) : # Check if image is listed if ChildImgID >= len(arrImagePaths) : # If current index is out of range, create a dummy image imgChildImageToAdd = PIL.Image.new(sSourceMode, tplSourceSize) else : # Open image imgChildImageToAdd = PIL.Image.open(arrImagePaths[ChildImgID]) #End If # Update size info or resize image if tplSourceSize == (0,0) : # If size is not set, use the first image's attribute as base size tplSourceSize = imgChildImageToAdd.size tplTargetSize = (tplSourceSize[0] * nColCount, tplSourceSize[1] * nRowCount) sSourceMode = imgChildImageToAdd.mode print(f"Source size is {tplSourceSize[0]} x {tplSourceSize[1]}, target size is {tplTargetSize[0]} x {tplTargetSize[1]}, using {sSourceMode} mode.") # Re-create target image imgCurrentImage.close() imgCurrentImage = PIL.Image.new(sSourceMode, tplTargetSize) else : # Resize image if needed if imgChildImageToAdd.size != tplSourceSize : imgChildImageToAdd = imgChildImageToAdd.resize(size=tplSourceSize) #End If #End if # Paste current image to target tplPastePos = (iCurrentColPointer * tplSourceSize[0], iCurrentRowPointer * tplSourceSize[1]) imgCurrentImage.paste(imgChildImageToAdd, tplPastePos) # Close opened source image imgChildImageToAdd.close() # Update pointers if sOriginPoint.upper() == "TOPRIGHT" : if UseVerticalArrangement : iCurrentRowPointer = iCurrentRowPointer + 1 if iCurrentRowPointer >= nRowCount : iCurrentRowPointer = 0 iCurrentColPointer = iCurrentColPointer - 1 else : iCurrentColPointer = iCurrentColPointer - 1 if iCurrentColPointer < 0 : iCurrentRowPointer = iCurrentRowPointer + 1 iCurrentColPointer = nColCount - 1 #End If #End If elif sOriginPoint.upper() == "BOTTOMLEFT" : if UseVerticalArrangement : iCurrentRowPointer = iCurrentRowPointer - 1 if iCurrentRowPointer < 0 : iCurrentRowPointer = nRowCount - 1 iCurrentColPointer = iCurrentColPointer + 1 else : iCurrentColPointer = iCurrentColPointer + 1 if iCurrentColPointer >= nColCount : iCurrentRowPointer = iCurrentRowPointer - 1 iCurrentColPointer = 0 #End If #End If elif sOriginPoint.upper() == "BOTTOMRIGHT" : if UseVerticalArrangement : iCurrentRowPointer = iCurrentRowPointer - 1 if iCurrentRowPointer < 0 : iCurrentRowPointer = nRowCount - 1 iCurrentColPointer = iCurrentColPointer - 1 else : iCurrentColPointer = iCurrentColPointer - 1 if iCurrentColPointer < 0 : iCurrentRowPointer = iCurrentRowPointer - 1 iCurrentColPointer = nColCount - 1 #End If #End If else : if UseVerticalArrangement : iCurrentRowPointer = iCurrentRowPointer + 1 if iCurrentRowPointer >= nRowCount : iCurrentRowPointer = 0 iCurrentColPointer = iCurrentColPointer + 1 else : iCurrentColPointer = iCurrentColPointer + 1 if iCurrentColPointer >= nColCount : iCurrentRowPointer = iCurrentRowPointer + 1 iCurrentColPointer = 0 #End If #End If #End If #Next # Save concatenated image if necessary if SaveConcatenatedImage : sSavePath = f"{sSaveDirectory}{sFileNamePrefix}{ImgID}.png" print(f"Exporting concatenated image to {sSavePath}...") imgCurrentImage.save(sSavePath) #End If # Buffer concatenated image for caller if necessary if CloseConcatenatedImagesWhenReturning : imgCurrentImage.close() else : arrConcatenatedImages.append(imgCurrentImage) #End If #Next return arrConcatenatedImages #End Function
页面版本: 3, 最后编辑于: 08 Jan 2025 14:50