- 主题歌
- S01E21 - Over a Barrel
- S02E09 - Sweet and Elite
- S02E11 - Hearth's Warming Eve
- S02E12 - Family Appreciation Day
- S02E14 - The Last Roundup
- S02E20 - It's About Time
- S02E24 - MMMystery on the Friendship Express
- S02E25 - A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1
- S02E26 - A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2, The Crystal Empire - Part 1
- S03E01 - The Crystal Empire - Part 2
- S03E04 - One Bad Apple
- S03E11
- S03E12
- S04E01
- S04E05
- S04E08
- S04E13
- S04E22
- S04E24
- S05E01
- S05E08
- S05E11
- S05E14
- S05E16
- S05E19
- S05E20
- S06E01
- S06E02
- S06E03
- S06E12
- S07E02
- S07E04
- S07E24
- S08E06
- S08E08
- S08E23
- S09E12
- S09E22
- S09E26
页面版本: 3, 最后编辑于: 20 Nov 2020 10:24